General Election 2019 Compare the Tacticals

{{ daysToVote }} {{ daysToVote === 1 ? 'day' : 'days'}} left to Register To Vote
Today is the final day to Register To Vote
{{ daysToElection }} {{ daysToElection === 1 ? "day" : "days" }} to the election
Polling stations not open yet
Polling stations are now closed
Polling stations open {{countdownClock}}
Where do i vote?

This page compares recommendations from various tactical sites for the 2019 General Election. It's a personal-run project aimed at transparently showing what's being recommended across the board.

Recommendation changes

This is an experimental tracker, for monitoring recommendation changes across the tactical sites as election day gets closer.

Tactical Site Changed constituencies From To

Voter registrations

{{voterRegistrations.exactTotalToDate | formatNumber }}

Estimated voter registrations since election announcement on Oct 29th. Running average based on the signup rate from the last three days.

Registrations since election announcement on Oct 29th.

There's {{ daysToVote }} {{ daysToVote === 1 ? 'day' : 'days'}} left to register to vote. FINAL day to register to vote.

  • {{ }} {{ ageGroup.estimatedRegistrationsNow | formatNumber }} ({{ ageGroup.averageRegsPerMinute * 60 | formatNumber }} per hr)
Loading constituencies...
Showing {{mainTableData.length}} result{{mainTableData.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}}
Last updated: {{ lastUpdated | timeAgo }}
Constituency   (by majority)   {{ site.siteName }}
No results Loading...
Find your constituency by typing it in the search bar above. You can use your postcode as well, or alternatively, use your current location to figure out which constituency you are in.
  • Electorate taken from 2017 General Election dataset
  • * EU Referendum results from House of Commons Library. The original results of the EU referendum were published across the UK by counting area and not constituency. In cases where the result had to be estimated for a constituency, the figure is marked with (estimate). The HoC Library page explains more in detail how the numbers were worked out.
  • Postcode and geolocation lookup via